Which is mostly my fault generaly. c_C
Although I now have a Shaoilin wolf (whom I adore) and a Visage (So cool!) and two Shaoilin Familiars (eek! Crows and Wolves and Bears Oh My!) and joining them sooner or later will be an East of Eaden critter of some demonination, based on Duncan Idaho. (I love that Dune Character. sweatdrop heart )
ALSO I've now gotten a REALLY COOL Beta (evolved) thanks to LilWerewolfgirl! (she rocks. incidently. just in case you didn't know.)
Anyhow here's some of my other sig stuff not currently in "the Mix"

Skald, my Shaoilin Familar Crow.
Beowolf, my Shaoilin Familiar Bear
This is my Smexy Beta RUNE Rune just got bred with LilWerewolf girls Cosplay Beta Chun Li. Lil and her Beta are also the Smex. Lil bought me Rune. ^_^
My Equus Duncan Idaho. He's SO DAMN CUTE! I gotta RP him though so he can grow.
Bron Greyjoy as an Ahtun. smile I love these things!
My Ahtun Conchnobhar. Did I mention I love these things?
and this one is a tease on me. Spot the refrences! Whee!
Thalion made me this awesome Cosplay Kirin of one of my characters, the Albino "Albin". (Yes I know...his name is funny) But isn't he cool? O_O he's got this meat eating eatern unicorn of sexy doom thing going on.

In further note: I'm trying to rework my RPG board
We'll see how that goes. c_C
ALSO My Shop (With Endejester and Otsune) is in the works. If you want to check it out I'll get a link posted somewhere soon. It is going to be damn cool I think. And it ties in with the RPG board. cC