I don't usually like quoting other people but some of my freinds have been saying "you don't want a bo freind they suck..." and "love sucks and i wish i was never in it" but it really is "better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all" because if you don't ever have it you cant know if you miss it. You don't even know if you don't want it. people have to understand ying and yang. you have to take the good with the bad. if there was only good there would be no bad. and if bad doesnt exsist then good cant either because good is symply the oposite of bad and bad is the oosite of good without the other niether exsists. so even in love you have to take ALL the BAD to have ANY of the GOOD and if you take ALL of the good YOU HAVE TO HAVE THE BAD TOO. iit cant all be good. "that witch does not kill us makes us stronger" dose it not?

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