My friends tell me what you think. And be truthful.
(rank me 0-10) nice? sweet? caring? moody? crazy? weird? dumb? Am I a...(yes or no) good friend? special to you? Can you...(yes or no) tell me your secrets? tell me what's bothering you? trust me with something important? Will you....(yes or no) hug me? kiss me? trust me? listen to my problems? seek revenge for me...lolz? Why am I a good friend? Why am I a bad friend? If you could hook me up with someone who would it be? If you could go anywhere with me where would you take me? If you got to do one thing with me, what'd it be? Who are you? Are you a good friend of mine? Do you have a crush on me? Would you repost this in your journal so I can answer yours?
Kaegoe · Thu Oct 26, 2006 @ 03:08am · 2 Comments |