*Remainder of aunt related topic in green*
As a present for graduating from highschool my parents bought me my own laptop.
Now, this was no substandard notebook with only the abilty to do text and whatnot but rather a mammoth of power top-of-the-line notebook with full gaming capabilty and yadda yadda yadda.
It was virtually the equal of our actual desktop computer at home but with 5/8ths the memory space, which was fiar enough given that it was extremely portable.
Now, I spent a good deal of the summer trying to figure out how to get it to network with the desktop so I wouldn't have to burn a cd to transport wordpad files and whatnot between the two. I was also being rather lazy about it and didn't want to take it to the store we bought it at to see what the problem was so it was about two and a half months before I got around to that. It turned out that the networking kajigger wuz busted and it would be easiest for me to just get a replacement. So I picked up another one and tried to set up a network again. Still no success so I took it back and asked if they could show me what I was supposed to do but the employees didn't seem to want to go through that so they tested it again and it had the same problem.
Now, this model is still new enough to impress people with and game on but E-Machines just can't seem to get the whole package to work right very often.
I picked up another replacement and went to set up the simple home network and to my surprize it was actually as simple as it should have been.
-Windows XP seems to have made all of the technical aspects of computer easily accessible in "wizard" programs-
Thus all was well and I was ready to experience the amazing connection the university offerred. I made sure to take advantage of this and quickly found my way to torrents and then made to to spend my time between classes somewhere with a connection.
After a full semester of only minor problems the laptop suddenly became very slow while running an old game. This quickly deteriorated into running for several minutes and then defaulting into some 400x600 mode with perhaps a dozen colors with an error message. I took it into the store as usual to have the employees fix the problem but emachines doesn't support their laptop video cards with drivers so they had to send it in to the manufacturer and I was told I'd have it back in two or three weeks.
They sent it out and it was sent right back (along with 300 other laptops, some sort of computer error,) and promptly sat in the store for three weeks.
-Now, here is that main thing my aunt did that prompted that long recent family history piece-
They called the house instead of my cellphone as I had asked and my aunt picked up the phone as usual and talked to them as usual and then hung up and didn't tell anyone about it. She does this with anyone who calls. All we know now is that it was either her friend (who is a little more heavily retarded. She had a severe speak impediment so I feel uncomfortable around her, perhaps as if it is a disease that may be contagious. I to stop acting like that but I don't know how to pursue what I want anyway.) or it was a formal call, most likely a telemarketer but now we've seen that it may be something important as well.
-We were planning on dropping the home phone for high speed internet and switching dear old aunty to Cricket phone service so she can stop intruding on our lives in this small but irritating way. I think the only option left is cable but I don't know any of the details of (how, who, where,) to get it. I left it up to my mother but now I see that I just tossed it into the slowly spinning vortex of procrastination.-
So I had to go to the actual store to get them to send it back out with all of the necessary info and while I was told it would be one week and waited patiently until that time had expired I am now told that It will take a week and a half.
Continueing at this rate when I call them on sunday they will tell me to expect it in two days and when I call on tuesday they will expect it the next day. After that it will be something like the shipment doesn't arrive for several hours and then half hours and then just minutes and I should drive out their now because the limit of this +half of the previous time equation will have passed by the time I get there but I'll still have no laptop or perhaps I'll have it returned to me with some minor flaw, like a crack in the case, fixed and the actual problem still remaining.
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