Ahhh...Galileo. I learned about him in high school, but never really knew about his sense of wit until I read one of my textbooks for class. I now hold him in high regard. My textbook contained a highly entertaining chapter on him, and I'll try and reconstruct the story here. [The stuff in colour is just to highlight the main points if you don't want to read the whole thing.]
The Debate Galileo Galilei lived in the 15th and 16th century in Italy. He was a "modern" scientist, light years ahead of his contemporaries in his approach to science. He once got into a debate with one of his fellow scholars, Orazio Grassi. The problem they were arguing involved projectiles in the air. Grassi argued that projectiles were heated as they passed through the air; Galileo claimed that projectiles cooled instead. [Note: It is now known that both are partially right, but let's just leave that out because it interrupts the story. ^^;]
The Blunder As Galileo and Grassi were arguing about this problem, Grassi decided to end the argument by quoting the Ancients. A Greek historian had said that the Babylonians cooked their eggs by whirling their eggs in slings. Grassi rested his case. If the Ancients had written it, it couldn't be wrong. Obviously, the eggs (the projectiles) were cooked, and hence projectiles gain heat when they pass through the air.
The Experiment Galileo, however, refused to blindly accept the works of the Ancients without proof. So he did the unthinkable -- he took an egg, placed it in a sling, and whirled it. surprised Think David swinging an egg in his sling instead of a stone against Goliath. (Sorry for the reference, but it's the only one I can think of.) That Galileo actually tried the experiment for himself astonished his contemporaries. It had never crossed their minds to perform an experiment for themselves. This is what makes Galileo a modern scientist. whee But continuing on with the story, Galileo took the egg, and whirled it and whirled it and whirled it. When his arm was tired, one of his assistants resumed the whirling. By the end of it, Galileo ended up with a raw egg and a resentful assistant. Still Galileo was not satisfied. He then took a freshly-cooked egg, still hot, and placed it in his sling. Again he whirled it. Afterwards, the temperature of the egg was significantly less than when it was first put into the sling. So Galileo "proved" that projectiles in the air do not heat. Moreover, hot projectiles will cool when passed through the air.
The Icing on the Cake No one could dispute Galileo's experiment. He had won the argument. But what I enjoy most was how Galileo rubbed Grassi's nose in it.
Galileo If Grassi wants me to believe that the Babylonians cooked their eggs by whirling them in slings, I shall do so; but the cause of the effect was very different from what he suggests. To discover the true cause, I reason as follows: If we do not achieve an effect which other formerly achieved, then it must be that in our operations we lacked something that produced their success. And if there is only one single thing that we lack, then that alone can be the true cause. Now we do not lack eggs, we do not lack slings, we do not lack strong people to whirl them; yet our eggs do not cook, but merely cool down if they are hot. So since the only thing lacking to us is being Babylonians, then being Babylonians cooks the eggs, and not friction of the air. Ahahahaha. xd That's one of the funniest things I've ever read in a textbook. heart
Gaian News

 Adding to my collection of fish hats, I now have the Cool Rainbow Helm and the Warm Rainbow Helm, respectively. whee Trout are my favourite fish, but I don't like the Helms as much as the Bass ones. Too bad. sweatdrop Maybe it's the bulgy eyes. Or maybe I just need something to wear with them. domokun
Oh, and I forgot to post this in my last Journal entry. Shameless self...er, gratification?
 Yes, I was once one of the top fishers in Gambino. blaugh Of course, I can't fish well at all, and the only reason I was in the Top Ten (for about 2 minutes) was because I happened to be online when the fishing scores were reset. Lucky me. xd Also, I think my rank was 34 overall. Of course, this was when there was...35 fishers fishing at the time. sweatdrop
Now I don't know if I should try for the Biter Helms. I don't think I have the patience for it anytime soon. xp
<random> Did you know that Moderators who are on your Friendlist still have their names appear in blue? surprised I was disapointed when I found that out. sweatdrop </random>
Fridays You know it's a bad thing when you start to hate Fridays. sweatdrop I'm used to getting off school relatively early on a Friday, but this term I have a lab that runs until 5:30 pm. Moreover, this is a hard lab, and we usually end up overstaying. This week I didn't get home until 6:30 pm. What's more, I have an exam the Friday coming up, right after the lab. Which means I have to rush the lab and then go and write my exam. gonk By the way, who the hell schedules an exam on a Friday night?! If it was during exam period, I would understand, but this is only (I use the term "only" lightly xp ) a midterm. >_<
Ehhh... Apparently, January 24th was the most depressing day of the year. Honestly, I'm thinking it's been the whole month of January. gonk A lot of my Gaian friends are depressed, and so am I. cry I truly hope everything works out for you. *hugs them all* heart There's a lot to worry about, both on and off Gaia. So to all my sad friends: do your best to smile and I'll do the same. 3nodding
Shatterglass · Sun Jan 30, 2005 @ 05:39am · 4 Comments |