So I got three and a half hours of sleep last night. Don't expect anything other than incoherent rambling this entry. sweatdrop
Gaian News
Leaving. crying
Both picc and Jentin are leaving Gaia. This makes me sad.
picc gave me a really really nice goodbye gift, which I will hold for him until he comes back. gonk heart I've been involved in his quest for a Halo for a long time now, and I decided to help him since he was a big fan of Haibane Renmei, like I am. whee I respect his desire to leave Gaia because his real life is taking priority. But I would like to thank him for his friendship throughout the time I've known him.
Jentin was one of the very first people I met on Gaia. He along with The5thHorseman (as she was known then) stuck a grenade in my pocket and blew me up. crying heart I'll miss you, sexy parrot of Hiro's. Stay?
Da_Ish had her birthday on February 9, and then her hair turned gray because she's old. gonk
Joe Pancake has her birthday today! ^__^ Give her cricket bats, but not like the kind I gave her. xd
Happy Birthday to you both! heart
Gaia Ball I like the Balloons. whee But I've realized that going to Balls only for the items results in much boredom. Refresh main page over and over again. @_@ It's the conversation I have with friends that makes it fun. Last Easter, for example, I had a riot naming the eggs I found after users I found them beside. *pets Lazzy* xd I didn't like Halloween because the timing was all wrong for me. xp
My Signature
 Fwee. I stole it from this site, which I found while googling "Shatterglass". But then I realized that there are a lot of users named "Shatterglass" out there. O_o And I'm only Shatterglass on Gaia. That is, all the other Shatterglasses that are out there aren't me. (I told you this was going to be incoherent.) The only time that I use "Shatterglass" as a username is on Gaia. Gah, whatever. >_>
Gaia = Friends I saw this thread that said, basically, "The only reason I'm here -- why any of you are here -- is because of the items". My knee-jerk reaction was to agree, but then I realized that what I like most about Gaia are the good times I've had. Try as I might, I cannot have a good time with my items. xp I mean, I love a very many of my outfits, but I get bored easily with my avatar. So what holds me to Gaia? My friends. whee I would've quit long ago if I never made any friends here. xd heart
Anime DDR So speaking of friends, my friend in real life gave me a copy of Anime DDR (Stepmania is the program's name). Needless to say, I've been playing it too much for my own good. X3 It's a lot of fun. I've never played DDR in real life (well, except once of which I will never speak of again xd ), but I always liked watching it. So now I get to play it on my computer with my fingers. But I've only tried the songs that I am familiar with so far. With one exception...
Boa Their song, "Duvet" is awesome. gonk I've never watched "Serial Experiment Lain" but I randomly played that song on Stepmania, and decided I liked it. Now I love it. whee (Funnily, I don't like playing it on Stepmania as much as other songs, though. xd ) I don't tend to like songs if I am not familiar with them from anime that I have watched. But I like this song, probably because it's in English. sweatdrop If I understand an unfamiliar song, there is a higher probability I will like it. >_>
His and Her Circumstances Oh, and I saw the first episode of this last week. I like it so far, and it's supposed to be an extremely good series. I found Yukino to be hilarious, because she's two-faced, kind of like me. Not two-faced as in evil or conniving, though. For example, someone she didn't particularly like (at least at the time) started asking her a question, and she answered it politely. Meanwhile, her inner self was yelling at the person, asking him to leave her alone. xd I get that feeling sometimes. domokun Can't wait to see the rest of the series. whee
OK, time to get some much needed rest. sweatdrop
Shatterglass · Sat Feb 19, 2005 @ 07:41am · 3 Comments |