This is the story of how it all started, each power of our heroes selected by their destiny, personality, and charms...
PreviouslyOn the Arizon Trip(Ariel's Version)
All of the characters
PreviouslyOn the Arizon Trip(Ariel's Version)
All of the characters
Narrator: Our heroes are on a bus for a trip to Arizona. They began chatting while they wait for them to arrive to there never ending adventure.
Holland: I can't wait to get there. I wonder if they have bunnies in Arizona!
Ariel: Naw fooh! You can't take a bunny back with you, no pets allowed on the bus.
Holland: He's gonna be my suveniur!
Narrator: As th bus takes our heroes up a path way through a forest they notice a huge town coming towards them. At that moment they knew that they were in for an adventure that would change their lives forever.
Whlie exploring Holland and Clair Ran off in search of something they saw lerking in the bushes.
Clair: Are ya sure?-
Holland: ..yeah it was deffinitely a bunny.
Narrator: They saw something scurry away in to a cave.
Holland: Hey guys over here!
Group: What did you find?!
Areli: Was it a weapon?!
Ariel: Was it money?!
Brittany: Was it Chocolate?!
James: Was it a sasquache like the one standing right here next me!
Narrator: Pointing at Ariel as she slaped his face onto a wall.
Holland: No, a BUNNY!!
James: Oh great, lunch I'm starved!
Ariel: You can't eat rabbits fooh!
James: Well that didn't stop you from eatin yo hamstas'! And you say they just disappeared.
Clair: Thats enough! Now lets just find the stupid rabbit and get out of here!
Narrator: They follow the rabbit into the cave.
Timmy: Hey look at these stones they're all different colors!
Group: Timmy!
James: Dang Timmy where did you come from?!
Timmy: I dunno...
Clair: Ooh, Last one to get on a color has to look for the rabbit!
Areli: I got brown!
Ariel: I got red!
Brian: I got Green!
Clair: Hey! You stole my color!
Brian: I got it before you!
Brittany: Yellow for me!
Clair: Damn! I guess Purple...
Holland: Blue! The color of a bunny!
Ariel: There ain't know such thing as blue bunnies foo!
Holland: Yes there is in those marshmellow candy rabbits...
Narrator: She stares at Holland with confusion.
Ariel: ...just drop it
James: I got white!
Ariel: Yeah the color of yo girl friend!
James: And the color of yo lice!
Ariel: Errr!
Clair: Would you to love birds shut up!
James: Yeah Ariel shut yo squid up!
Bob: Bark Bark Bark!!
Narrator: It growls at him.
James: I think ya'll crazy sqiuds don't bark-
Ariel: They do in this story.
Johnny: Light Blue!
Luke: Dark Blue!
Timmy: Grey!
Tyler: Black!
Narrator: Suddenly the ground began shaking and our heors where surrounded by a beam of Light transforming all of them.
Narrator: They each were redressed in different outfits, some with fur, others hoods and capes, or some just to UGLY to look at-
Brain: Hey!
Narrator: Well its true!, anyway they were all transformed and looked forward to a journey of adventures that will be contined... stay tuned