This is Anna Mari. She is a wild one, punk, always going to parties, she's not your average teenager. One thing she hates are dances. She hates them for two reasons, one, whenever a guy gets enough nerve to ask her, she isn't ready for it and says no because she's too nervous to realize what she's doing, and two, she hates wearing a dress. One day, after fifteen guys being turned down, Anna finally was ready enough the day that her dream guy to walked up to her and said, "Hey Anna, I was wondering if you could go to the winter dance with me." She was shocked, but slightly more prepared. "Um s-s-sure." She stuttered back, when it came to relationships, Anna was NOT the girl to ask.
The night of the dance she managed to tame her mane od hair and put it up into tight curls. She made her self wear a dress, but managed to find one that looked good on her in green.
[~Even-in-Death~] · Wed Dec 06, 2006 @ 11:26pm · 0 Comments |