It would be stupid to create a thread about this in the A/M/C or any other forum on Gaia for several reasons. What reasons are they are beyond the freakin' point.
So why not just type this not-so-random thing informally on my Journal?
Yeah, that works.
Link to it?
1. Trolls and spammers make up a good portion of the A/M/C visitor population.
2. Practically no one bothers reading the guidelines and the Gaia ToS. Even if they do, they don't follow it.
3. Spam threads receive a good deal more attention than intelligent threads and threads that are not spam.
Instead of reporting it like they're asked to, they all rush to break the A/M/C guidelines by posting in it.
4. Practically no one ever bothers reading and following the first post anymore.
They jump to conclusions and create a war.
5. Elites.
No one is better than anyone else.
You're not cool. You're lame and a wannabe.
6. Over-flaming.
That's right. It's stupid.
You just flamed some random stranger over the Internet like they'd care about what negative opinions you have on them and their stand!
You deserve no award.
7. No discussion thread = spam.
Anything that can be answered in a poll = spam.
Anyone who creates such threads = spammer.
8. Misplaced threads.
People, it's the A/M/C!
The A/M/C is not a forum for showing off avatar cosplays, not a New-to-Gaia forum, and not a forum for anything other than subjects related directly to anime, manga, and comics, got it?
And freakin' create the correct thread in the correct subforum of the correct forum!
9. Ignorant Morons vs. Comics.
Now, being ignorant is nothing to be ashamed of...usually, but being a moron is.
Just about every time a thread about a comic/cartoon shows up, people flame the thread and the TC.
A/M/C = Anime/Manga/Comics.
Get my drift?
10. Anime vs. Cartoons, Manga vs. Comics.
Gawd...they're practically the same thing!
The origin of something does not make anything (as far as I'm concerned) better!
Anime = Cartoons
Manga = Comics
They're all good to someone, no?
Yes, they're all good to someone.
Now shut it.
11. Recommend A ______ & Have You Seen ______ Threads.
^ = spam.
Spam = bad according to the A/M/C guidelines.
Got it?
They don't lead to a good discussion, and therefore, they're spam.
12. {Insert Anime/Manga/Whatever Title Here}
99.99999999999999999999999999999% of these threads lead to nothing worthwhile!
13. Anime Downloads & Manga Scanlations
If they're licensed, you are not supposed to ask for nor give them.
And the A/M/C has a new rule.
Even if they're licensed, you should not give them out.
14. YouTube.
YouTube taking off anime and AMV and banning users who upload them is old news.
They're copyrighted.
Members of YouTube agreed to their ToS not to upload copyrighted materials.
YouTube owns
They have every right to do whatever they want to their site.
YouTube does not want to get in trouble with the big anime companies and the law for their members' incompetence.
Shut up, and get on with life.
As for AMVs...though they sometimes do promote a series, the anime itself it copyrighted, and so is the music.
15. Becoming a Manga-ka.
We don't care.
You want to become a manga-ka, sharpen your skills and test your luck yourself.
Don't get the A/M/C involved.
16. Versus Threads.
The A/M/C freakin' banned them.
You're starting a stupid commotion filled with stupid fools.
17. Good Threads being Bumped Down
With so many useless threads being created and constantly bumped up to the first page, the threads that actually lead to a worthwhile discussion are being bumped back one or two pages at the least. Users don't tend to look back at page 2 of the A/M/C so all we get are more and more users bumping the spam threads. What does this lead to? Simple. It leads to the first page being loaded with spam. And what about the good threads? They won't get as much attention as they deserve.
And there are much more reasons, but typing up all that is a waste of my precious time.
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Just as the title says..
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