so far in '07 I've had:
Two Surgeries
Several Infections
Blood Work
Chiari Malformation (my brain is deformed...causes insomnia, moodiness, etc)
Assloads of makeup-work
Threats of not graduating
A Job
A pull on my heartstrings by someone I can't have because he lives too far away
A car that will eventually be mine once I master manual
More perscriptions then I can shake a stick at, though I can't imagine why I'd want too O.o;;
Busy year...but it can only get better..right? Yep, I believe it ^_^
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^$#^ing Waste of time this is...
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Proudly Anti-Twilight
If Edward and Bella Cullen were standing on the edge of a cliff, 90% of Americans would freak, 9% would yell JUMP! If you're the 1% who would give them a final push, put this in your signature