I love capturing these fond memories ¬u¬

Ummmm who took this bad quality pics.




Focus on the pale-reddy chat >_> LOL.

~ Sieg had a better one on his prof LMAO.

~ Easter FTW

~ We should do this more often guise rofl

~ heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart

~ Gotta love Valentines'... ... ...

~ So after my (first) Kam kill, I found this in my inventory like a month later emotion_facepalm

~ Someone's perverted fetish emo

~ emo

~ Our line of awesomeness xD

~ Race to the blood tree in Otami! Omghahahha! (Btw: I LOST + this screenshot was stolen from Kain teehee ¬v¬)

~ Guild Christmas event ahhaha.

~ Dicey's epic winz! (Competition to see who can get the lowest HP in DMP and enter DMS [alive durr])

~ Just one of the many wicked GRooming crewz rofl

~ Moo xD?

~ Lol. Fail xDDD (L)