Welcome to America, home of the free and land of the fat.
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Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 @ 02:17am
RP Sample 4
If you had told Lynette that she would be writing for Vision when she'd graduated from University, she would have laughed in your face, spittle and all and told you to kindly go take a long walk off of a short pier. She had graduated from NYU with a degree in journalism and a passion for politics and world issues. She wanted to be a correspondent for CNN or BBC or one of the news broadcasters you would watch in airports. In the morning, before class, she would practice her "reporter stare" in the mirror, "Thank you for joining us, I'm Lynette Winters..."
However, what she didn't count on was the fact that the economy would tank and job opportunities for young hopefuls like her would be slim to none. So she capitalized on the fact that she was one hell of a multi-tasker and sent off her application with a click of her mouse. She figured she'd never get the job and never counted on a successful interview. One of her friends had told her they would turn her down as soon as they saw her in her flats and ill-fitting interview attire.
When she entered the lobby her wide blue eyes took in all that she could. The skinny girls with legs a mile long clacking through the lobby in their six inch heels chattering away on their cell phones, large purses under their arms and the stylish men who would more than likely be Lynette's competition for any cute guys around all overwhelmed her. She was swooped down upon by one of the girls and quickly pushed through all the orientation she would receive. ID badge, map of the building and "Cat's office is on the top floor, good luck!" And she was sent on her way.
Lynette walked nervously into the high class office space, twiddling her curly auburn hair around her fingers. She had long since shrugged off her jacket and it was folded over her arm. She looked around and her eyes fell on a sharp looking woman who happened to be staring right at her. Could that be the dreaded "Cat" that she had heard all about? Oh man... Lynette swallowed nervously, She's going to eat me alive...
Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 @ 02:16am
RP sample 3
arrow "I am Richter." Hook.He cocked an eyebrow as the young boy accused him of "inhuman" actions and tried to glare at him. Him! The master of the glare and other facial expressions, "How I did that is, frankly, none of your concern. And you're quite welcome." Line.
And then the boy asked the magic question. Sinker. "Actually, there is something you could do for me." Richter adopted a look of semi-distraughtness, "You see, I'm in a real tight bind with my boss." He noticed how the boy would take a step back every time he took a step forward. He grinned at the scene at the end of the pier. Instead of the nice boathouse and mini marina that had been there on his arrival, it was now a field with a large building the background. All Richter needed to do was get Ashe to step into the grass and he'd have him.
Richter kept taking steps forward, causing the boy to take steps back. Just one more step. He thought triumphantly, "You see, my boss has me under contract and I have to reach a certain quota before I can finish my contract." Well that wasn't a lie, "I'm a salesman of sorts, you understand, but instead of offering the product myself," He took a step forward and his grin grew wider as the boy set food on the grass. Excellent...I have him. "My boss has me route customers to him. Because, honestly, he's the real salesman between the two of us. Maybe you could go and talk to him? I'm not saying you need to buy anything, just hear him out. I'm sure he'll be very compelling." Richter's voice was dripping with persuasion.
arrow "Izanagi. Funny thing is, is that he gave himself that name. He's not Japanese in anyway. He likes to be referred to as Izanagi-sama. I suppose that'll give you some points if you call him that from the get go." Richter said idly as they reached the top of the hill.
The sky had become a deep purple, the sun setting as quickly as the colour of the sky was changing. A small town seemed to surround the building and the lights were starting to turn on. A train was starting to pull up to the station on the edge of the town. "The guests will arrive soon." Richter said idly. He used one of his hands to grab Ashe's elbow, "Let's go." He pulled him roughly in the direction of the town.
Soon they reached the town and were almost to the entrance to the building. It was a large building surrounded by fences on the all sides. A bridge crossed the river that has cut its way between the town and the building. "This is Izanagi-sama's resort. It's a kind of hotsprings/health resort. I'll let him tell you about his clientele." Richter pulled him across the bridge. They reached the end and headed towards large door when the attendants spilled out. They were strange looking creatures. Tall and spindly they resembled what people might call an imp. With large heads and big ears they were more than just awkward looking. They wore white uniforms and hats, they appeared to be the standard of cleanliness. But if you asked Richter, he would tell you they were exact opposite.
"Master Richter has returned! Master Richter!!" The attendants rushed to greet Richter, "And he has a guest!! Izanagi-sama will be most excited! Master Richter!"
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Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 @ 06:46am
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 @ 03:07pm
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Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 @ 01:11pm
Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 @ 11:37pm
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Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 @ 01:17am
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 @ 12:22am
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