did u ever wake up one day wishing ur life was a fantisy...
did u ever wished to be living ur dreams....
once i was so sick of sadness i wished to be happy...
and to be loved from some one's heart...
by days pass by i grow ...
hoping for that love to show...
crying to a star..
looking at the sky...
night ...day...
every thing is passing by...
and still wish and cry....
time going so slow...
still hoping u'll ever show...
and befor i know...
i looked up from this pain...
to u infront of me...
ur hand held to me...
wanting my heart...
by one look ...
it was love from the first site...
happy ...
and from a cold heart ...
tears started to fall down..
and then the heart is wormer ..
give me ur hand ...
give me ur trust...
give me ur love...
words came out of ur mouth...
happyness ...
my heart is beating fast as if im runing all around...
looking at u i slowly held my hand to u..
as clouser i get...
the vesion of u starts to shred...
i start to wonder...
stod up and jomp to be in ur arms..
but was too late ....
walking in the shadows ...
darkness every where...
the sadness in here and there...
eyes felled with tears...
looking at my hand...
remmeber u and how u infront of me just stand...
and i missed that chance...
walking ..
in the darkess is where more im drowning....
suddenly i hear a far voice calling me...
i look back to see..
crazy i looked around me...
but all i see is darkness serounding me...
i yaled who's there...
looking every where...
tears in the eyes ...
fear in the heart...
looking all around...
suddenly i stoped..
from the darkness...
suddenly he apears...
wiping my tears to see clear...
and it was love standing infront of me...
can belive steped back...
he's love is like a chain...
stoped from fear...
looking at him ...
my vesion was clear...
it can't be he was real...
suddenly something strock my heart...
light starts to distroy the darkness side...
with wings of light my heat flied...
with tears of joy my heart rased..
to him to feel safe...
and befor i know ...
he held me...
in heis arms ..
safe he kept me...
whipring in my ear..
the words i always wanted to hear...
I Love You My dear...
feeling safe i had no place for fear...
only joy and happyness fulled with cheer...
did u ever wake up one day wishing ur life was a fantisy...
did u ever wished to be living ur dreams....
i did ..
but now i know that it was a fantisy from the start...
and i was living a dream...
that was sooooo real....
happy in light i walk....
holding his hand..
heart beating from a memory
of that time ...
when he said...
for the first time for me to hear...
By: Malak Tahera....
Given To : Jalen Pearson... (my spacail dream came true....)