~=~=~=~=~Reenay Hobbson~=~=~=~=~
Blood: Pureblood
Age: 16
Month of Birth: December 26
Year of Birth: 2040
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 116lbs.
Year If Student: Fifth year
House: Gryffindor
Physical Description: She has long, chocolate brown hair that's kept up with a clip in a messy, but cute manner. It's mostly strait, but sometimes she'll curl the ends a bit and her bangs fraim her face somewhat. She has emerald green eyes and peachy skin. She likes to wear blue jeans and sarcastic or witty shirts that she bought at muggle stores, as well as her white tenishoes. She'll occasionally wear a dres or skirt. Aside from the occasional lip gloss or eye makeup, she rarely wears the stuff.
(like this, only with her hair up)

Weapon : wand and a magic pocket knife
Activity Most Skilled in: Defensive magic (DDA), charms, and potions.
Activity Least Skilled in: Jinxes and divination
Special Items : firebolt X3 (given to her by her mother) (the X3 is the 3rd moddle, not an excited kitty face)
Special Ability: Knows some Tiekwondo and can sprint for long distances and is very, very quick.
Fear or Weakness: spiders and other bugs.
Pet : A small Vampire bat named "Kudos." (Meaning 'a way to praise some, giving them credit.)
Best Friend: She doesn't talk much and hasn't really tried making friends. People usually avoid her because of how unsocial she is.
Personality: Rather quiet, she choses to stay silent with her thoughts and ideas until she's shure she has an answer to whatever problem she's trying to solve.
Bio: (working on it)
Random Things: Has watched way to manny muggle horror films in the past so she has a lot of common sence and actually knows what to do. She also loves puzzles and flying, though isn't all to interested in playing Quidditch. She used to be in a muggle school when she was a child.