Entry #2 My Story --- Part #2 |
My Life: Part II
My Dad... Carrie... Me.
How complicated could it get?
Trust me.
1654 Elm Street Apt. #19 We lived in a cramped two bedroom apartment in downtown Long Beach. No air-conditioning. Enough room for heated, underlying tension, some angst, a cat, aaandd... well, nothing really. I hated that cesspit, but I was really delighted to live with my dad, but Carrie, I was still unsure of...
Carrie Lynn Jamison Savior of my dad's life. Epic hard worker. Intensely caring of those close to her.
She brought my dad from alcoholic drummer with no band to the other end of the morality spectrum... Took him from the pit of depression after he lost my mom to the happy, successful, well educated family man he is today.
I resented her alot because of how she treated me in middle school, but in hindsight, I can see the motives behind what she did... Then it made me insane, but now I adore her for how much she really had loved me all along. There was no rule, no signed contract that told her to love me and take care of me but she brought me up as if I were her own son...
She is the prime example of unbridled compassion in its most powerful form, yet she refuses to acknowledge it. She is far too humble for such novelties.
The end of my elementary school days were spent with my dad. I went to a very nice elementary school called Prisk, in Long Beach. I don't remember many people from there really... I met one of my friends that lives in Long Beach, (that I still talk to) Cameron Jimenez. I later went on to find out he was Mormon like me! We became good friends then, but we later developed our friendship tenfold when we moved closer to eachother towards the end of middle school. I also met the first guy I ever considered to be a "best friend" Alex Schuechuck. (Thats Shoe-chuck by the way). After elementary school, we completely lost contact because I was a stupid little kid, haha. I wonder on a frequent basis what our friendship would be like if we still were in touch. Hmm.... oh well.
During this time, my two brothers were born!
Drew Bennet Scott Silva My oldest brother. Loud. Irritating at times. Gotta love him for bringing his great personality and sense of humor with him in dark times though : )
Drew was born into the hardest time of my mom's life. She had found herself with an old high-school friend, the master manipulator: Dennis Silva. Dennis got her pregnant with Drew and after the first year of his birth, left for my mom's friend, Mary. It wasn't Drew's fault he was born into what he was, and he was brought up by one of those guys that should have been given a vasectomy upon birth, and I feel that it's because of Dennis being a liar to my mom, and to him attributes to his negativity and down-trodden spirit nowadays... Despite how much his situation sucks, and his bouts of slowness at time, I still love him for his charismatic personality.. If there is anyone who knows how to make you smile, its this guy.. Even if he tries to make you laugh at the worst moment, it still works somehow because of how -oblivious- he can be. It just feels so innocent when he tries to make you laugh.
The little guy has come up to be quite the artist for his age too : )
Colewyn William Jamison Awesome little kid! I swear, he is going to be a super-genius someday. He already is for his age.
Cole was born to into the wonderful world of the already tight living space of Apt. #19. It was his birth that really made Dad and Carrie begin to take into consideration moving out of the apartment...
We found from an early age that Cole had a pretty healthy obsession with fans (not those crappy stand up oscillating ones, no. The much cooler ceiling version). To this day he has been obsessed, we aren't entirely sure why. For seven years he has watched fans spinning, fans being built, fans on commercials, fans on the internet. If it weren't so funny and cute, we would probably do something to change it, but why change what can't hurt you?
He has used his obsession to help himself learn alot about engineering and gear structures to such intricacy that even 'I' can't comprehend what he is able to build at times. He has brought a ton of happiness to my life, and he has acted as the official seal of my dad's and Carrie's union.
Cubberley K-8 School FML.
This is where I feel I did that weird transformation... Going from small child to... "Teenager"... what an ugly word. I was a terribly confused kid in middle school. I didn't exactly know how to talk to... anyone. Where I had lived near Prisk in a bad neighborhood, we had moved to where my dad lives now at the McNab house. A not so bad neighborhood.
Before, at Prisk, I was used to people keeping to themselves. Separating eachother by race and exiling the nerds (I was nicely categorized as one of these) and... well, all the nerds just kinda kept to themselves... At Cubberley.. it was a different world. People of seperate ethnicities talking to eachother? Wait... people want to talk to ME? (What the f---!!!) Oh yeah, and you can clump the whole "there are 6 classes now" thing into the insanity and tumult as well.
This is where I met the tightest group of friends ever, and became one of the founding fathers of the ancient super-exclusive world of Planet Banana.
Planet Banana
Ryan Pumilia The guy from Long Beach I still talk to most. I have to say, he has been my closest friend from Banana... he has such an interesting stance on just about everything which can make you change your way of thought, and make you laugh your a** of at the same time. He really is a great guy. Desperately in need of a girlfriend. You know?! I bet you he is still lurking about here somewhere... Any ladies interested should check into Shugo154 ;D
James Parker I swear. The smartest guy I have ever met. Where he lacks affinity in social skills, he is utterly unrivaled by anyone I know in wits and intelligence. Every time I see him, he has something enlightening to say, or some kind of mental aptitude test he wants to put me through. Master of mindgames, the brains of Planet Banana.
Joshua Herbold I hardly ever talk to him anymore... quite honestly I miss him. A Lot. He was the first person to talk to me in Cubberly. As soon as I sat down that dreary morning in Mrs. Pleasants' English class... He helped me transition through so many tight spots in middle school, and overall made the experience more habitable. Best sense of humor, designated diplomat, and the greatest rapper on Planet Banana.
I'm gonna write more at a later date... for now, I'm going to take a much needed rest.
To Be Continued... Chapter #3 High School
Here comes the good part....
cq9 · Thu Jul 22, 2010 @ 05:12am · 1 Comments |