So, because of my loneliness and boredom, during those beautiful days, when the temperature is like 45°C.. OMG, there is A REALLY HUGE STORM right nao. O_O' I'm scared. Brb, will better switch the comp off. XD'
Okay, I'm back.
So, as I said, I decided to make a little update.
Talking about my vacations, I'm srsly dying here. How dare almost all of you leave me here?!
I mean, I vistied France, such a beautiful country.
Just need to forget about the trip, forget about THOSE 27 HOURS IN A BUS.
It's the time to appreciate the planes. Dear lord~.
Anyway, I will finally have a chance to get out of here soon. <3
No offense, Sai. I love you almost as much as I love our little parties, but eating chinese food, then ice creams, and then drink and.. drink.
It's not exactly my 'how to spend vacations' life plan. XD
Also I took few (270 to be specific) pictures today.
Well, I just heard that little cam whore in me screaming: 'let me out, let me out, you motthafuhha!
So I was like: o___O; Okay~.
I had no chance. v__v;;
I will post them now. <3

And then I've got that call. X'D
It wasn't really interesting though.

Lol, I love that hole in the wall.
My brother did it, throwig a joypad while playing some ps game. XD
I assume it wasn't his day.

And some with Jun. <33

Yeah, I love my camera too~.
No. I lied.
Well, what a huge journal entry, isn't it? O__O;;
I shouldn't been doing that.
I'm pretty sure, my english will kill everyone before they even get a chance to read the first half. lol
