Tired, Vianaive throws herself upon a pile of dead leaves under a beatuiful White Ash tree. The breeze was too soothing to resist. The mixtures of brown, yellow, maroon and purple that surrounded her made her feel at ease. Rarley did Daeva enter her thoughts. Although she could never escape her nightmares. She´s glad that she has some control over herself and thankful that she has this University to distract and protect her from her past.
She has never seen such beauty. Autumn was indeed her favorate time of year. She studied the light gray-brown bark and wondered if it was painful or irritating for the tree to ash in that way. She watched the tiger swallowtail and mourning cloak butterflies as they fed off the Samara fruit. The sound of the stream made her thirsty. Water was never satisfying for her. She began to miss Artemis, she always knew how to cure her thirst and cravings.Vianaive fret herself with disturbing thoughts-
What now?...What will I do without her and her knowledge of great medicine. Will i become that monster that i have feared all my life. Will i become just like him?[/color]
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The B*fly Journal
I took this quiz about what Goddess I am and this was the results. to be honest, I am not happy with this answer. I mean Aphrodite-c'mon. I i'm nothing like her. Except with the flirting, and the cruelty, and the suitors, and..the make...up?...DAMN I
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