ya ya alex we all know u want pie! hey hey its um - - -cRaZy_BuRrIt0- - -aka kayla but i was just bored so i decided to hack alex! and its so fun tehe........anywayz i just wanted to say that alex is so kewl and shes probably gonna bug me bout it later but she is such a dork, but hey she cant help it!!! and she can be a b***h if u piss her off or anything like that, so i advise u not to do that!!!!! lol but ya shes a kewl weirdo and so am i, but thats y we r fwends fo life!! yaya ok enuf wit da ghangsta crap...........but i gtg!!!! luv ya so much!!!!!

heyyyyy...this is tiger's buddy dino [[a.k.a. her sistaaa [:]]
this is sooo amazing and i love her to ..i dont see how anyone could her...
welllllll im gonna go with the basics lol :]
first;;her favorite colorrr is blue :] love that color
second;;her favorite animal is a tiger, in case you havent already noticed lol
third;;she loves all her friendsies :];;her best friends areeeeeeeeee:me, abby, brooke, kayla, les,
fourth;;abby, brooke me and her have our own nicknames hers is tiger[[ee]] :];;mine is dinosaur-ee, abbys is kangaroo-[[ee]] and brookes is fishy :]]]...we all go by them :]
fifht;; the four of us have this thing, whenever we leave the class, we have to give eachother piggy back rides :] we all take turns with eachother and its sooooo fun :] lol
sixth;;her favorite food is: spaguettii [[i dont think i spelled that right lol but you know what i mean]] :]
seventh;;her favorite drink issssss: orange soda
eighth;;she loves being random and saying things that have nothing to do with the convo going on at the moment...she gets it from the three of us:]
nineth;;her favorite song is: pokerface :]
tenth;;her favorite shape isssss lol random i know :]: square....shes says cuz she is one :] haha
elventh: she loves the jonas brother and taylor lautner [[i love him gonna date him shes gonna date robert no matter how much she says she like taylor I GET HIM!!!! lmao]]
twelfth: she says for me to put that today, all in one day, i have choked on;;popcorn, my own spit, air [[yes its possible lol]] water, the soup at school lol, more water lol, more popcorn,more air, and yeah i think thats....i can choke on anything in this world just throw something at me :]
thirteenth;; she loves big giant hot cheeto
BALLSSSS!!!! lol
fourteenth;; her fears areeeeee: dying, spiders, long awkward silences, bad hair days, breaking my leg, going to an audition and messing up, diseases, and scary things
fifteenth;she likes spinning in chairs :]
sixteenth;;she loves ing off mr. larkin [[out teacher]]
seventeenth;; her favorite flower issssss: white rose :]
eighteenth;;she loves chugging soda from a 2 lieter bottle of soda with me :] we did it the last time i spended the night with abby here too :]
nineteenth;; she enjoys pushing random people down any stairs they are walking by..especial spiral ones :]
twentieth;;her mouth is burning right now cuz she just ate a bunch of flaming hot cheetto BALLSSSSS!!!! and then she just gargled water and yeah it was grows lol
twenty one;; she and i love sticking our in the snow :]
twenty two;; we loveeeeeee lightingmarshmellows on fire then going out in her deck and chucking them off our sticks into the snow :]]]] luckely nothing caught on fire haha
ok i think thats it :]
ok ill shut up now :] i love you tiger ((ee)) :]]]]]