Gender: Female
RP Colors: Speaking= Seagreen Action = Slategray
Personality: Ahliera is many things, but mostly, she's loud. She likes to have a good time, and she's always yelling and laughing and goofing off. She tends to really annoy people who aren't as loud and obnoxious as she is. She's really clumsy, and unless it's something she really wants to be doing, incredibly lazy. She procrastinates on everything, even the most important things. However, she's a very nice and understanding person. Not easily angered either, most insults and banter just go straight over her head.
Her hair is an aqua green, (If you must know, it's #0c8472, to be exact.) and rather pale. In fantasy settings, it's natural. In realistic settings, it obviously isn't. She's not a skinny girl, either. However, she isn't a bedridden blob of blubber. She's just not a pencil.