5. Lilica Stacy from "Girls Bravo" ~I cant believe that these were the only pics i was able to find of Lilica gonk

~Lilica is a very intelligent and probably the most powerful human in this series! even stronger than Kirie!! (and yes they fought! and when i was watching that fight i was like eek O..M..G.. hot) she is very monotone and just an all around cool character. She is always willing to help and strangely enough she is in love with fukuyama rolleyes
4. Mukuro from Yu Yu Hakusho

~I could not help but to fall in love with Mukuro's Character. most people would find her story very disturbing with the whole abused, sold into slavery, strived for freedom as a child and the reasons behind her scars but nope not me! (just shows im not shallow rolleyes ) I look up to mukuro because even though she has such a dark past, she shows heart and her abilities to survive! its very motivating!! (p.s. episode 109: Love and War: made me cry xp
3. Alkaid from Dot Hack GU Series

~When Alkaid made her first appearance on dot hack she came off as a cocky and stubborn jerk!! it was in volume 2 where she had no choice but to ask Haseo for help that she started showing her more "Girly" self. (i thought it was very cute) Alkaid took my top 3rd fav female char during her honeysickle trip with Haseo! (Haseo sooo shoulda fell in love with her! crying but with the whole Shino and Atoli love triangle i dont think the makers of .Hack had a choice lol so Alkaid can be mine! xd She is a very sweet and caring person! i threw my controller at my TV when she sacrificed herself for Haseo (soo pissed scream )
2. Ryomo Shimei from Ikki Tousen (Battle Vixens)

~Ok Ryomo takes second on my list with ease for she is just the most freakin badass character ever. Ryomo should be my first since she has all the qualities i look for in a character but my number 1 fav female char is just to godly lol ok back to Ryomo! lets talk about her physical attributes yeah? her hair is freakin hot and her eye patch turns me the fruit on! heart Shes a grapple master and fights with handcuffs and mains a maid outfit!! (drool*) as for her personality! its quite ironic how shes such a cold hearted bad a** but at the same time such a gentle hopeless romantic! i love that about her!! ) If you still dont think Ryomo is a worthy character than stop smoking crack or wait till you hear this. her epic eye that she keeps covered for 3 freakin seasons long actually holds the freakin coolest Dragon in the anime! dum dum dum! (watch it yourself ;P) I LOVE RYOMO!!!
1. Yuki Nagato from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

~Yuki Yuki Yuki oh my dear Yuki! you have won your way into my heart so easily just as you did with half of the population that has watched you in MOHS whee Yuki is the all around ultimate character! even the way she drinks tea is Cool!  SOO COOOOOL rofl
~ok so pretty much Yukie is an Alien that can pretty much alter time and space! not to mention she can adapt to any situation at anytime. so yes that means she falls under the catergory as a bookreader, baseball player, battle mistress, computer hacker, musician, and yeah everything haha. her monotone face is soo cute xD I fell in love with Yuki just as fast as i fell in love with the anime melancholy of haruhi suzumiya xD mmm theres nothing i really dont like about yukie becuz shes whatever she wants to be and whatever i want her to be thats how i feel dramallama
welll thats my top 5 fav char! hoped you enjoyed reading my feedback on these characters ^_____^
AKnightWithYou · Thu Mar 26, 2009 @ 02:54am · 0 Comments |