Random facts about Shira:
I am bisexual, but dating the most wonderful man in the world.
My favorite color is Green
I'm 19.
There's never a time, I'm not listening to music. I like most, if not all music.
I draw manga for a living.
I have a tattoo, and I plan on getting more
I was a model for a year but quit due to stress
I've been drawing for six years and writing even longer
My mother is my best friend
I was born and raised in Florida. I've lived in Ohio for many years. I just recently moved to Georgia, and I'll be moving to Tenneesee here soon.
I was going to be a nurse, but then I realized I hate humans with a burning passion, so I'm going to be a vet instead.
I plan on taking over the world.
I have two girl best friends and one guy best friend.
I rarely get angry. But when I do, it's best to run away because I will kill you.
I'm a pretty laid back person.
I play Call of Duty like my life depends on it.
I have a crush on Batman and Jason Todd (second Robin)
I take pride in the fact that I'm pretty damn weird.
I don't have a religion, but I still have a healthy balance of believing in science and believing that somewhere, there is a God out there
I don't really pay much attention to politics as much as I should.
I have dyslexia.
I sincerely want the zombie appocalypse to happen.
I don't really like sweets. Im more of a salty (chip, French fry, ect) type of girl.
I like making people laugh.
My favorite animal is a ferret
I have had nightmares every night for two and a half years now.
I rarely wear make up and jeans.
I am a German/Irish hybrid.