...yesterday's sanserif.
 "I flirt with suicide, Sometimes kill the pain."
Ninja Spoon · Tue Dec 22, 2009 @ 06:22am · 0 Comments |
Haven't been in here for a while... |
Just as the title says, haven't been here for a long time. Had a baby. Starting school. Drank on 4th of July without my mom knowing about it (even though she was RIGHT THERE, lol). Had sex with the son of the guy who molested me as a little child. Still talk to said son ;D. Looking for a job. Helping a friend make a game. Yup, sounds a little eventful. I'll post more poetry later, once I get it together.
********! Roach
Ninja Spoon · Mon Jul 13, 2009 @ 01:17am · 0 Comments |
Gasp! Something interesting in my journal?! |
Haha, tricked you. Nope, nothing interesting here. But I have a poem for you all. mrgreen
Handed down the platinum s**t, It has begun. The Season of Sin, Dance beneath the sun.
The rays that eat away, Corpses masticate. Swimming in placid lake, Now Satan's fishing bait.
Ninja Spoon · Wed Mar 05, 2008 @ 10:14pm · 0 Comments |
Well, it's been a few months since I moved up here to Holland Michigan. I can't begin to tell you how much I love it up here. Sure, I get a little frustrated with "a certain someone I live with", but otherwise, it's good. I got a job at McDonald's and I start tomorrow. mrgreen
Anyway, Merry Christmas, Happy Chaunaka (sorry, forgot how to spell it), and any other celebration of the season to all.
I was bored so, I decided to add this little questionaire thing you see so often. If you feel the urge, please, go ahead and reply.
Otherwise, best of wishes, Roach (AKA: Ninja Spoon)
What would you do if: [1] I commited suicide: [2] I said I liked you: [3] I kissed you: [4] I lived next door to you: [5] I started smoking: [6] I stole something: [7] I was hospitalized: [8] I ran away from home: [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there:
What do you think about my: [1] Personality: [2] Eyes: [3] Face: [4] Hair: [5] Clothes: [6] Mannerisms:
Other: [1] Who are you: [2] Are we friends: [3] When and how did we meet: [4] How have I affected you: [5] What do you think of me: [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me: [7] how long do you think we will be friends or enemies: [8] do you love me: [9] Have I ever hurt you: [10] Would you hug me: [11] Would you kiss me: [12]Would you make love to me: [13] would you marry me: [14] Emotionally, what stands out: [15] Do you wish I was cooler: [16] On a scale from 1-10 how nice am I: [17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it: [18] Am I loveable [19] How long have you known me: [20] Describe me in one word: [21] what was your first impression: [22] Do you still think that way about me: [23] What do you think my weakness is: [24] Do you think I'll get married: [25] What about me makes you happy: [26] What about me makes you sad: [27] What reminds you of me: [28] What's something you would change about me: [29] How well do you know me: [30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't: [31] Do you think I would kill someone: [32] Are we close: [33] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you:
Ninja Spoon · Tue Dec 25, 2007 @ 06:36pm · 0 Comments |
To All Who Actually Know Me... |
So, it seems I'm going to be moving to Michigan. (YAY! FREEDOM AT LAST!) You wouldn't believe how excited I am to be free of my mother. You just wouldn't believe.
On another note, I'd like to thank everyone who commented my poetry. heart Keep reading and I might add some more! XD
Ninja Spoon · Mon Aug 27, 2007 @ 08:58am · 0 Comments |
by AFI: "Miss Murder" "Leaving Song Part I/II" "God Called In Sick Today"
by Angel Sanctuary: "Sara" "Tensei no Higeki" "Silent Mourning"
by Aphex Twin: "Powerpill Pacman" "Polygon Window" "Stone In Focus" "Maximum Electronica" "Delphium" "Techno Tetris"
by Atreyu: "Her Portrait In Black"
by Bloodhound Gang: "Bad Touch" (AKA: "Discovery Channel" wink "Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo" "Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss"
by Blutengel: "Schmerz 3- Einsamkeit" "Keine Ewigkeit" "Die With You (Still Suffering)" "Her Song"
by Criss Angel: "Nexus" "Die for Me" "Hate Me"
by Darkseed: "Sleep Sleep Sweetheart" "I Deny You"
by Dir en Grey: "Embryo" "Merciless Cult"
by Disturbed: "Violence Fetish" "Numb"
by Failure: "Smoking Umbrellas"
by Fantomas: "Portrait of a Serial Killer" "Mombius Hibachi" "The Godfather" "Rosemary's Baby" "Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me" "Expirement In Terror"
by Gorillaz: "Last Living Souls" "Kids With Guns" "Dare" "Sunshine In A Bag" "Feel Good Inc."
by Guns N' Roses: "Sweet Child Of Mine" "Live And Let Die"
by HIM: "Join Me" "Razorblade Kiss" "Funeral of Hearts"
That concludes the list for now. (phew!) I'll have more later, so keep looking!
Ninja Spoon · Sat Aug 12, 2006 @ 07:37pm · 0 Comments |
Wouldn't you know it, my lymph nodes or glands (whichever they're called) are STILL swollen. It's really getting bad, but I should have insurance soon, so yay me.
Unfortunately, I still have a problem. I'm afraid to sleep...It sounds stupid, but I seem to be sensing some kind of really negative energy in/by my room, especially in the dark. It's so bad, I can even see it. When I reach into it, I get goosebumps and my hair stands on end (not the head, duh). And when I sleep, I get these visions. Last night, it was so bad, I could feel pressure on my head, shoulders, arms, and upper back. I had difficulty breathing and I was incapable of opening my eyes. Do you understand? I had to really work to be able to pry my eyelids open. I felt paralyzed. But it wouldn't happen until I tried to sleep and saw a vision...of something...horrible. confused crying Am I insane? Should I see a doctor? Or is this stuff really happening? I'm absolutely TERRIFIED... I really can't keep staying up like this, but what else can I do?
Ugh...I've been nauseated all night.
Hopefully not my last, Roach. emo
Ninja Spoon · Sun Jul 09, 2006 @ 09:21am · 3 Comments |
I'm sorry for what I did And what I didn't do. That I'm sick in the head, That my heart is for you.
I'm sorry I can't see you Through your bedroom window. For what I put you through. For having to let you go.
I'm sorry.....wait. Who the hell are you?!
Ninja Spoon · Mon Jul 03, 2006 @ 07:50am · 0 Comments |