My baby, Baabi <3 [[[R.I.P.]]]==she died and i cried== D':
((it a South American Iguana, not a garden lizard))
Please Feed my Knuffel <33

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

Art by Bad Gene <3 (worship her!)

Art by Lilium of Moon <3 (check out her shop)

Art by drgnmaster <3
click to see in full.

Avi Art by me(i kno it sux...but then what do u expect from 10 minutes of free time):

Art by XxMangaxFangirlxX <3

Art by Yokaiii <33 -hugs-

Art by BlutsxLust <3

I can't remember who drew this, but it's very cute ^.^

Art by Lapin-chan <3

Art by by Lencit_Kanau