♥ Welcome to: Hito's Quest for Art! ♥
- Quest Progression: 47/100 -
Hey there! Hito here! The title explains it allllll! Now I know some of you are thinking: ''Well, you can just draw art for yourself!'' I know, I know... but sometimes I'd like art from other people! It's just... better, and I like to be surprised every now and then, ya know? I can't surprise myself now, can I? ... Annnnd it wouldn't be healthy if I attempted to. xD;;; So if you feel up to it, draw me something! I'd love you long time!
- Requests/Suggestions -
★ Pleaaaase don't draw my avi doing anything HIGHLY inappropriate... it's just not nice. = 3=;; ☆ I loooove art of mine and my friends' avatars!! ★ I MIGHT be interested in art trades if you'd like something in return for your work, just make sure you ask first. ;] ☆ If you'd like to draw me with YOUR avi, I'd love that as well! ★ Any theme is fine, but if it's my avi alone, I love pictures of it looking very ninja-like, since the theme of it is indeed, a ninja. xD ☆ Draw me in a green ''T-Rex'' Dinosaur suit and name me the ''Hito Saur''! :]
- Refrences -
If you decided to draw me with a friend, my avatar combo'd with ANY of these below would be looooooooooved! Just a happy atmosphere would work! :]
You can either draw my avatar in her full fledged ninja gear (current), or in her ''off duty'' attire shown below. :] (Note: She's lazy)

Also, feel free to draw my avi with ANY of the avatars below. They are good friends. :] ______Heart_______________Jiho_____________Sweetie______________Sevy______________Night__________
Humanitys End · Mon Apr 19, 2010 @ 11:11am · 0 Comments |