Journal. For my countless and meaningless thoughts.
Me and Gaia Are Like This *crosses fingers*
I really do like gaia. I wish ther was more ways to get gold though..... crying TcryingT
dudornot · Sun Feb 04, 2007 @ 11:09pm · 0 Comments
Well i havent been on Gaia since and so now I am getting used to it all.... i also got in contact with an old pal of mine which is marv and fab beyond the human language !!!! (words) sweatdrop
Well seeing as no one in the WHOLE town of gaia is looking I am thinking of Deleting it......Maybe......POSIBLY.... and mypumpkins died...and they almost made it to Hollows Eve, my sadness is emense.... crying
My jaw is aching. YEOWCH. I just finished painting my moms table and soon as I finished the rain stopped. I wanted to play in it. sad Oh well. The table looks quite nice. wink
Summer.... the time when all my flowers in the garden DIE.
The died. Every single one of them. Damn flowers and their need for water. Piss. crying And I worked so hard to.......GTJ. Hey if you actually read this MESSAGE ME!!! I'd like to know if anyone in the world reads this crap. hhahahahaha