Which character are you test by Naruto - Kun.com
Your Mind is NC-17 Rated

You're mind is so filthy... you should should be washing every part of you out with soap.
If your thoughts can go dirty, they do. Almost everything is NC-17 to you!
Do You Have a Dirty Mind?
You Are Mystique

Sneaky and duplicitous, you're likely to use your powers for evil.
You're eternally young looking, people don't realize how old you really are!
Powers: Shapeshifting - you can impersonate other people or become a monster
Which of the X-Men Are You?
Your Dosha is Vata

Creative and restless, you take in all of life's pleasures (maybe a little too much!).
You're quick witted and very talkative, but you also tend to have a spotty memory.
You tend to get very into ideas, people, and lifestyles... but only for a short time.
It's difficult to hold your attention, and you sometimes feel with what life has to offer.
With friends: You are very uncomfortable in new situations or with new people
In love: You fall in and out of love very easily
To achieve more balance: Live in a warm climate and spend some quiet time in nature
What's Your Dosha?
Your Stress Level is: 78%

You are prone to stress, and you're probably even pretty stressed right now.
Life's problems seem to pile up on you, and this often makes you feel depressed and burned out.
Learn to take time to relax and enjoy life, even if things are stressful. It's the only wa you'll get through the bad times.
How Stressed Are You?