Now pay very close attention. This is the most important survey you will ever take in your life. Follow these directions exactly and maybe you will suceed and make it on to the next step. First, I want you to look around and make sure those "guys in the suits" aren't around for this survey is illegal in 12 states and lithuania. Are you ready to move on to the next step? Good now that the cost is clear, I want you to pay even more attention then before, this could mean the end of turtles as we know it. Okay if you own a shrink ray I want you to set it on "blend" so that it doesn't set off any heat during this process. Okay and finally I want everyone to crack their knuckles if they haven't done so yet, Okay now place your fingers correctly on the keyboard (Both thumbs on the space bar and fingers on the home row) Okay now, just to be on the safe side make sure you place all permanent markers either on your smallest pillow or in your back left pocket otherwise your fingers could set off an illegal jutsu/magic power that might close this box immidiately and burn out your car engine. Okay now that your ready answer all these questions about me and or you, honestly. Lets begin:
1. What do "they" call you:
2. Why do "they" call you that:
3. What do you think about 'Fatal Suicide'/dinoswar slayer (me):
4. Would you like to keep your dead dog?:
5. Am I your bestest friend in the whole wide world?:
6. Pick up stix or Panda express:
7. Would you ever stop me if I decided to rule the free world? If so what would you do to stop me? Or would you Join me?:
8. If I wrote you a letter would you write me one back?:
9. If you had a seceret would you tell me it?:
10. Whats your seceret??:
11. You Liar! Thats not your seceret your seceret is that you have a pet chipmunk that your mom wouldn't let you keep because your dog will explode because his stomach has tumor that could explode and your scared that it will so you hid the chipmunk in your fourth drawer along with your colored pencils! Am I right?:
12. Are you allergic to cats?:
13. If I asked you for money on gaia would you give me some?:
14. Gee, thanks(= Okay well if you had 10 dollars would you buy a pet fish at the carnival and run away in a ski mask because you weren't supposed to buy the fish?:
15. Did you enjoy the survey?:
16: Are you lying to ME?:
17 LIAR!! Next question, If I programed a catostrophic meltdown would you construct a robot that will combust a even bigger catostrophic meltdown and laugh in avengance?:
18. Why did you decide to take this survey?:
19. What is wrong with this sentence, "eeny eeny mo"?:
20. And lastly How many states is this survey illegal in? DON'T SCROLL UP AND LOOK! >:[ :
enter your name here.
thank you <3
Fatal Suicide Community Member |