Name: Juliette Kepulette
Age: 20
An aspiring accountant at MIT. A generally serious and stressed out girl. Very studious, quick to grasp concepts and situations, though rarely able to cope appropriately. Frail, petite, and comes off as rather ill, as well as rather socially inept. Secretly a fairly talented practitioner of hip-hop dance in her spare time at her sister's studio. Lives above a seamstess' house. Has quite the penchant for oversized, ugly sweaters. Terribly embarassed by her name's pronounciation sounding like 'Juliet Capulet'.

Name: Lee Liu
Age: 21
A young Korean musician trying to make it in Boston. A classical pianist and singer, he quit school around 17, and has no intention of going back. Has a tendency to sleep on the floor in his living room. Interested in questionable fashion, including oddities like denim vests and cheetah print ties. Unbelieveably bad at cooking. Gets very seasick. Known to tell bad jokes, and space out without warning, but has a charming smile and is sociable and amiable. Main goals in life include only being happy.

Name: Kate Kepulette
Age: 26
Juliette's plastic-fantastic dyed, tanned, and plucked older sister. Owns a small dance studio and is a fantastic dancer herself. A narccisist, and rightly so, she is known for being particuarly good-looking. She has a temper, and tends to do whatever it takes to get her way, but her sister's happiness and sucess is extremely important to her, and the siblings spend quite a bit of time together.

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