Gaian Name: White Lilium Character Name: Justice Age: Appears 14 What are you?: The Terror of The Skies, Dragon. Weapons: Her powers alone. Bio (3 lines min.): Justice originates from New Earth, someone whom has been there for a long, long time. This was because she is apart of one of the ancient races, she is a Dragonkin in truth. A lot of people feared her, despite her human appearance. She’s a wanderer, and often can be found soaring the skies, emitting fear into whoever she’s hunting. It’s more of a beautiful sight to see, her flying in the sky.
Though she has a human form as a disguise (Even though, it’s flawed with bright red eyes.) the sheer strength of the human form is unquestionable, since even in the human form, she still isn’t human. Her human form and Dragon form, however share one of the same powers. It is a cloud-like aura that cloaks around her, like a type of energy. It can be hardened and manipulated with ease, as an offence or a defence. She can transform into the dragon form at her will, and she gains the power of her dragon form. Her dragon form’s powers consist of the energy aura, breathing fire, and flying, like a usual dragon would. Her fire is an off colour, however, being a pitch black. She can sense ill intent, and sense presence's all around her. Rather than working manually, her energies sometimes act for her, as an automatic response to anything that wishes to cause harm to her. The dragon form, of course is really tough, however, it does have a weakness. Her, and the dragon form’s weakness is loud sounds, and the fact that her actions are sometimes too reckless.
There was a rumour that when she truly wants to protect someone with her life, she can transform into a more powerful version of the dragon form, that nobody has witnessed yet. It also can be triggered from Justice being enraged with the pain of loss or sorrow. The golden dragon is the result of this, and it is a more perfected form of her dragon form. It is stronger, more durable, and has even more extreme energy manipulative abilities. Appearance(Img):
 Other appearances and extra info: Dragon Form:
 Golden Dragon Form:
White Lilium · Sat Mar 14, 2009 @ 03:14pm · 0 Comments |