Feeling: rofl Hahahilarious
Listening to: "One Time" by Justin Bieber
Reading: nothing... ):
Watching: Cake Boss
Playing: Solitaire
Eating: Pumpkin Pie
Drinking: Tea
I hope everyone had a delightful Thanksgiving! :3 Mine was alright.
Not really a lot has happened.
I went to the doctor for my elbow. I'm going back to him December 11th. Things are looking kinda rough with that.
I'm in the best relationship I've ever been in; couldn't be any happier! <3
My bestie is coming over tonight, and we're going to hit the town, stay up late, and sleep in Saturday!
Can't wait to see my beau tomorrow!
I think I'll try to eat this whole pumkin pie by myself. I might even close the window; it's starting to get cold in here....
Oh, thank you to the people who kept sending me PMs even though I hadn't been on in nearly a month! <3 It means a lot! I've gotta get better about getting on... X_x;