So, This is my first entry for this journal thing. I can pretty much guarantee this probably won't be updated often. I thought it would be fun to try out, so well see how things go, shall we?
First off, if you're reading this, why? Did I not alreayd mention this is my first entry..? The rest of this would probably be mindless ramblings as an inexperienced journal writer tries to figure out what to actually write about in journals. I'm not trying to be rude, in case ultra-sensitive people decide they don't like how this sounds, I'm actaully in a good mood an doing exactly as I said I would be: Rambling about nothing really.
In the event you were really bored and read my description, I mentioned I tend to be very random, and I'm going to stay true to that right now, mostly because a thought popped into my head as I was typing the last sentence of my previous paragraph. Anybody remember Neopets? Some of those little creatures are actually a bit cute! Can you imagine if some of them were real? I think I might want one. Not all of them, mind you. Some aren't all that nice looking and would probably chew all my nice shoes and pee on the furnature.

Luv ya later! ~Kerry heart
kerrygan · Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 02:29am · 0 Comments |