(Posted Tuesday 05/11/10)

(Practising my coloring already. Have to say that it came out better than expected :3)
(Posted Tuesday 05/18/10)

(Yeah, another art style... I know. xD I learned a lot in those 6 months I was gone. Hope you like the graphic novel feel.)
(Posted Wednesday 05/26/10)

(Meanwhile... tun tun tuuuuuun)
(Posted Tuesday 10/20/10 EST)

(Thanks for being patient with me guys, sorry if this isn't Dazed quality yet. Just wanted to speed things up as fast as I could. Here's the storyline leading up to the "Operation Sprinkler" plot.
Oh. and at the bottom is why I've been missing for 6 months xD Hope you'll understand)

(Thanks for being patient with me guys, sorry if this isn't Dazed quality yet. Just wanted to speed things up as fast as I could. Here's the storyline leading up to the "Operation Sprinkler" plot.
Oh. and at the bottom is why I've been missing for 6 months xD Hope you'll understand)
(Posted Tuesday 10/26/10 EST)

I'm hoping someday in the future, some historian will recognize me as the first artist to draw a gnome legion in any type of comic or manga.

I'm hoping someday in the future, some historian will recognize me as the first artist to draw a gnome legion in any type of comic or manga.
(Posted Thursday 11/04/10 EST)

Just read "Scott Pilgrim" and I had to try this style out for once. I'm think I got pretty much the jist of how it was drawn, so I decided to try it out on the panel :3. Anyway, I will be going back to college next week so updates wont come as often. I will try to post them on my free day which is monday. ROCK ON PEOPLE! scream
===============The Sub comic Line===============
GNO Mercy
(Posted Monday 05/24/10)

(Happy Birthday again to Hell_Tutor. Please have mercy on me upcoming bday people. Hold your bdays till next month, kthxbai.)