ok,im still lke,trying to figure out what happens next in the life of nightpaw,so i will from now on be doing two stories^^the second stotry is about a warrior princess...wow...now that thats out...it sounds a little retarded... sweatdrop ...0.0...im still doing the story!!!
a war has been raging betweent the two contries of icemarris and montrica.the evil leader of montrica,king belojin,wants to take over icemarris and imprison its people.but when helena,king eodreds daughter,joins the fight with her ice dragon,zarya,the king of montrica takes the war to a whole new level.can helena save her country?
helena&zarya (warrior)

helena around the castle of icemarris

helena (formal)

helena around town

illieana (helenas favorite maid)

the actual story begins...wenever i write back in my journal^^