Chapter 1
helena stomed down the hall hurt and confused by her fathers words.*enter flashbak*
but father!you must let me help to fight in the war!
helena,you arre the only heir to this throne,we have discussed this over and oover,you will NOT join in this fight!end of disscusion.
*end of flashbak 3nodding *
is that all he cares about?me being the only heir to the throne? thought helena as she slamed the door to her bed chambers and locked it,tears streaming down her face. ever scince mom died,all he has cared about is me being the only heir to the throne, and me being a girl,him worrying about how he worries that i am so fragile and might not be able to handle being queen of icemarris once he is gone.but the most hurtfull thing he syas is, helena, i worry that you will not be able to handle the throne,oh,why didnt your mother have a boy child instead of a girl.then it would put all of my worries to rest and i could die peacfuly.
without thinking,helena picked up her sommoning book and sommond zarya.wait outside zarya,im changing and then we will go out into town,we are going to see illieana.shell tell me wat i should do. zarya obeyed silently.and flew out the huge window.helena changed quikly and then jumped out of the HIGH window.but instead of falling staight to the ground,zarya flew up and caught her. what happend?asked zarya.(she has telekinesis....iz that how u spell it?)my father is what happend,hes always wishing that mom had a boy instead of me becuase he is worried that i wont be able to handle the throne.sometimes i wonder if he has ANY faith in me...zarya,do you think he even loves me?
*zarya gasps*'
helena!!! how could you even say that?of course he loves you!
well,it sure feels like it. anyways, were here, can you transform into your owly form now?
dont i always?i just hope that the tons ppl dont make a big fuss over you sweatdrop
*helena murmers in agreement*
as they made there way to illeanas house, helena put up her hood and tuked zarya into the fold of her arm.
*nok nok*
(real quick,a pic of what illeana looks like outside of the castle^^

*illeana opens door to c helena in tears*
oh.helena,if this is about your father again,i swear i am going to hurt him!he has absolloutly no right to say those sorts of things,a nd especcially to your face!you are going to be the greatest queen icemarris has ever known and he cant denie it!
well,he does,and zarya senses it to...*starts to tell the whole story*
oh darlin,im so sorry.
heehee^^look helena!cliana wants to make you feel better^^
that at least made helena happy.
ty cliana^^and ty illeana,you have helped me make a desisian that might change my life.
or end itthought helena *shakes away the thought*
are you going to join the war helena?
then im coming with you...i have a little secret that you ought to know.
so as helena sat at the table with cliana and zarya in her owl form,illeana went into the next room,bringing back a a black and red book,a lot like zaryas blue white and gold one.
and then,gving helena a mishchevis look and then somond a black dragon!
OH MY GOD.....
ribbon???is that rly you?shouted zarya,suddenly,without warning,turning back into her dragon form.
zarya!you know that dragon?!?!
of course,we are sisters^^
now for nightpaw^^
nightpaw,nightpaw!wake up!stonefang whispered in my ear.hmmm?omg!did i fall asleep?did anyone see?no one but me...however,i dont no how many cats heard you snoring!
(nightpaws face gors like this)
thanx for the encouragment stonefang! *cinderfoot pads up beside the two of them*
you two seem to be better this morning^^
yup^^ even though firepelt is...not here anymore,i still feel lke his spirit is with us.
i feel the same way^^
nightpaw!stonefang!i need u 2 to join the dawn patrol and round up sme fresh kill for every1.shouted whitestar from his position beside brownfeather and sunleaf.yes father!i replied. i bounced to were the dawn patrol had gatherd.foxtail,and oakwhisker were gathered there waiting for cinderfoot,stonefang and me.when we reached them,cinderfoot and oakwhisker touched noses and both let out a loud purr. i saw a slight smurk appear on stonefangs face and i felt one appearing on my own sweatdrop
i nudged him with my paw and gave a VERY mishouvous smile and flicked my tail toward a pile of...wel...mousedung.we trotted over very quitley while foxtail went lke this rolleyes lol
we got some...md in our paws and krept up behind the two purring kats and yowled suprise!!!!while at the sme moment flinging the md in there turning suprised faces^^ rofl
foxtails face goes like this wink rofl
stoneang whispred to me RUN!!!
and so we both ran through the forest,the wind whisping throuhg our fur and cinderfoot and oakwhisker on our heels.while poor foxtail is stuck wit a few others helping him hunt.
(we would probly get in trouble wen we got bak to camp,but at that moment, was happy=^.^= )
to be continued