Name:Kyle Tsume
Demon:Two tailed cat demon
Family:Had a mother(Lily) and father.One older sister her name was Himawari(sunflower) and a older brother and his name was Yasou(peaceful one) plus one little sister her name was Yukika(snow flower)
Past:Kyle's father left him when he was 4.He didn't know him very well so it doesn't affect him very much.But one thing he does remember is his father was a wolf demon,and he got the scar on his side from his father.His mother died of a sickness when Kyle was 8(Was Kyle's birthday when this happen) so his older brother and sister had to take care of him and his little sister.After awhile his older brother got the same sickness his mother died from so his older sister had to leave to find the antidote no matter how far it was.Day after day Kyle would wait for her to return home in front of the house no matter how bad the weather was.He waited and waited but soon realized she wasn't coming home.He started to look for the antidote himself in there village but no one had it nor knew how to make it.The next few day later(On Kyle's birth day) Kyle and his sister made breakfasts then they noticed it was only them two.They went to wake they're older brother up but he never did,they waited and waited but he still never woke up.Then they realized he had died because of the sickness.A few days later Kyle finally got a job to support him and his sister,he couldn't see his sister much from being busy with school plus a job.A few years past and Kyle was now 14 and his sister was 10.One winter day it was snowing and when he got home there was blood every where in the house.His sister was laying in the living room floor;covered in blood with lifeless eyes and her limps everywhere,sadly he never found out who killed her.After his sister died he waited for his older sister to come home again.Kyle was now 15 and gave up on waiting for her to return and decided to look for her himself.He traveled to many places but never found her,after awhile he gave up and started to work on his own life but every time he sees it snow he remembers what happen to his little sister.
Community Member
love the info about his past and the names are awesome^_^