Name: Satu Kiochika
Age: 19
Likes: Candy,Sweets,Junk food,Cafes,Animals,Nice people,Her friends,Nature,Cute stuff,Stuffed toys,Her dolls,Punk music,Singing,Dancing
Dislikes: Parents,Hot weather,People who kill things for no reason, People who look on the down side of life,Fights,People who judge other people without getting to know that person,People who abuse other people,Herself,School
Hobbies: Singing,Dancing, Likes to write stories and poems, Drawing,Collecting Dolls
Favorite Food: Any kind of sweet
Personality: Satu is a nice person and usually if she's a person who's acting depressed she'll try and make them happy.She's pretty much is happy and bubbly all day long.
Demon: Black bunny
Past: When Satu was little she got a serious illness which causes her to forget things easily.She is tarable at school because of her illness,her parents force her to work all night on her projects and homework no matter how tired she is.After a while she got better at it but then forgot once again, her parents got annoyed about this.She had to go to the docter every week but nothing new ever happen, they said the same thing every time "We're still working how to fix it, im sure you'll be fine soon." Not one time did she ever believe them but there was nothing she could do.She went to the docter one more time and they had a cure for it well so they thought, they gave her the medicine but it only caused her problems.The medicine helped her remember 'some' things but it made her stomach hurt and she would puke every once in a while.After a awhile the medicine wore out and she was back to her old self,which she hated.Once she was 15 her illness never went away,people at school made fun of her because she got F's all the time on her report cards and never got the answer right and because she always brings one of her dolls to school.She had no friends and was alone whether people are by her or not.One day when she went home and saw her mother was murdered by her father, this made her hate and fear her father.Her father became insane and would abuse and rape Satu.Years pasted by but nothing changed, she now works at a cafe and has a friend but she still gets abused and raped, and she still has her illness.But she's just happy she has a friend now
Her dolls: Satu has dolls and stuffed animal toys all in her room, each one is different and each one has a demon like creature sealed inside.They can talk and each have killed alot of people but they have become close friends with Satu and listen to her like she's there master.Her parents don't understand why she collects these dolls and they never enter her room because the dolls freak them out.
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