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How the kiss all began (Sasunaru)
Remember when I told you the story about how the kiss in episode three got posted on the internet? Well, I wrote a story about it.

Naruto inhaled a deep breath. Kishimoto standing beside him, checking his suit and face.

“You ready Naruto?” Kishi asked.

Naruto took a jagged breath, then turned to Kishimoto and grinned, teeth glinting. “Believe it! This’ll be easy.” Kishimoto smiled, patting Naruto’s back. “That’s my character! Now go, you’re up set.”

Naruto nodded and walked to the set. Sasuke was already sitting at the chair, poised and calm. Upon the entrance of Naruto, Sasuke looked up.

“Took you long enough, dobe.” Sakura giggled, listening to her Sasuke-kun’s voice was always a pleasure.

Naruto scowled at Sasuke, causing the raven to smirk. The blonde just got angrier. Pouting when Sakura hit him in the head for glaring. He rubbed his head, they were all just acting, and yet the crush ‘Sakura’ was supposed to have for ‘Sasuke’ was actually real! It just wasn’t fair, who wrote the script anyways? Why do they always make the cute chicks fall for the bad guys? And not the good guys? I’m cute! I’m very cute! And yet nobody gives me credit for that. And plus what kind of a girl could possibly like a b*****d like Sasuke. They’re all like ‘he’s so cool!’ or ‘Sasuke-kun!’ well he’s nothing but a-

“Hey, loser. It’s time to get on with the role.” Sasuke cut in.

Naruto huffed. “I know that, teme! I was just thinking.”

“With that useless organ made up of trash, how can you think?” Sasuke retorted. Sakura giggled in agreement. Trying to gain Sasuke’s attention, failing miserably when he continued to stare at Naruto. Sakura again hit Naruto on the head, mumbling for him to get ready for the scene, getting in her own position next to the other girls. She didn’t understand them one bit, especially not Ino. How could they not love the incredibly hot sex god named as Sasuke? Ino had told Sakura that she was interested in somebody else. Every other girl said Sasuke was just an actor. But then again, it just gave Sakura more of a chance to win Sasuke. She sighed as she daydreamed of all the things Sasuke would one day tell her.

“Quit your daydreaming and post already, bill-board brow!” Ino nudged Sakura on the arm. She nudged back and got into her post. Linking her hands together, and mustering her best fan girl face, she squealed. Along with the other girls, though they were forcing themselves to blush, except for Sakura.

Sasuke bent forward, putting his arms out in front of himself, and covering his face with his hands. Naruto sat, squatted, on the desk in front of Sasuke. Glaring.

------Scene Change------

Kiru handed Taki a large roll of cash. Kiru looked at Taki with a serious face. “Be sure to do this at the precise moment I signal, understood?”

Taki smirked. “Understood.”

Kiru smiled. “Good.”

------Scene Change------

A strike of lightning bolt struck between the two boy’s faces. Their lips drawing back to a snarl.

------Scene Change------

Kiru flicked her thumb up, mouthing the words ‘Now!’ at Taki who sat a seat under Naruto.

Taki, smirking, stirred a quick conversation with another student and thrust his elbow out, directly hitting Naruto on the back.

------Scene Change------

Before he was able to even think Naruto was suddenly on Sasuke’s lips. His eyes widened, his body froze. The air seemed to go silent.

------Scene Change------

Kiru snapped her arms in the air. And more than two-dozen guys and girls with cameras popped up from several different hiding places and took about ten pictures each. And luckily, the cameras had no flashes. When Sasuke and Naruto finally separated Kiru signaled for the paparatzi’s to quickly head for the door. Silently, they passed on through without a sound; Kishimoto not noticing, too distracted, frozen on his spot, staring at the sight before him.

------Scene Change------

Without a second thought Naruto grabbed at his neck and began to gag. Sasuke doing the same. Naruto stopped, ‘I feel a disturbance.’

With a shaky head, he turned to the girls. All of them demented, and ready to kill. Not even having the chance to scream they all jumped and attacked.

------Scene Change------

Kiru madly ran her fingers on the keyboard. Uploading the pictures of Sasuke and Naruto in lip-lock. Taki shaking his head, laughing, “I can’t believe we actually got away with it.”


Two hours later due to the fact that Sakura would not stop hitting Naruto, the poor blonde had to visit the hospital, but luckily he had no serious injuries and isn’t pressing any charges against Sakura.


Kishimoto tapped his foot impatiently. With a sigh he turned to the producers, “What are we going to do? We can’t broadcast this kiss on air.”

A female producer piped up, “How about if we just delete the scene and go on as we planned.”

Kishimoto rubbed his temple. “Nobody posted that picture online, right?”

The room mumbled with no’s. Kishimoto scanned the room, the employers all looked serious. Clapping his hands, he announced, “We shall delete this scene and continue, tomorrow. Let’s all take a break.”


Two minutes after the kiss.


Kiru threw her hands in the air, fist clenched in triumph. A large grin on her face. “Aha! Success!”


The next day.


Naruto sat criss-crossed in his chosen chair. Laughing and talking with Taki. When suddenly the door flew open, and stepped in was a very agitated Kishimoto.

“What is the meaning of this?” He demanded. Holding up a piece of paper. Naruto squinted; seconds later his eyes widened and he fell back on his chair, choking on air.

Sasuke, having been sitting a few seats behind Naruto not in particularly doing anything but resting his head on his hands, stayed calm. In a also calm voice he said, “Some of your employers seems to be dishonest.”

Taki cursed beneath his breath when he saw Sasuke’s eyes flicker to him then to Kiru, who gave him a look. ‘Damn, he’s fast.’

Kiru looked at Taki. ‘He knows.’ Keeping a straight face she piped up, “Perhaps somebody had sneaked in and took pictures?”

Kishimoto shook his head in disagreement, “That is nearly impossible, this area is not only restricted for visitors but it also has high security. The only way for a person, other than my employers, to enter is if an employee themselves led the unwanted visitors.”

“Maybe the perpetrators are still here.” Sasuke suggested. Kiru once again exchanged quick glances with Taki. ‘********’

The same female producer yesterday who had mentioned to just delete the kiss scene argued, “Well, we can’t delete them all now. There were more than two million copies saved and sent all over the globe. We might as well add it to the script.”

Kishimoto gaped at the woman, “This is not yaoi, Yuki.”

The woman named Yuki frowned, “I never said it was, all I suggested was to add the kiss scene to the script. I never mentioned for it to be yaoi.”

After sharing comments and opinions, the group finally decided to add the scene.

------Scene Change------

Kiru fell to the ground, clutching her chest in a death grip as she laughed. Taki himself found the whole entire thing amusing. He wasn’t all that profound of ‘yaoi’ but the scene earlier was just too good of an opportunity to miss. Holding back a laugh, chuckling instead.

There laughter was interrupted when a deep familiar voice appeared. “Having fun?” Kiru froze and quickly scrambled to her feet, wiping off the dust on her clothes. Taki furrowed his eyebrows and turned to the voice.

Sasuke opened the door wider, stepped out, and closed it. His face was not that of a happy child. Making eye contact with Kiru, he activated the Sharingan.

“ Why did you do that?”

Kiru mustered up all her bravery and answered as best as she could. “Why didn’t you stop us?”

Sasuke scowled. “Answer my question.” The tomoes on his sharingan spinned menacingly.

Kiru looked to be deep in thought, and when she finally answered, her face was serious. “Because you were angry at him.”

Sasuke snarled and took a step forward while Kiru stood her ground. “Just what made you conclude that?”

Kiru took a step forward herself. “You like him, don’t you?”

Sasuke didn’t answer. Kiru took another step forward. “And you were angry that he didn’t notice your feelings for him for the past four years.”

Sasuke’s fist clenched tightly, his knuckles turning white. Kiru continued on. “And when you read the script about you having to leave him, and tell him to hated him, was too much for you.”

In a quick flash , Kiru was pinned up to a tree, Sasuke’s hand clutched around her neck. She scratched at his hand, desperate to get air to her lungs. Taki charged and managed to get Sasuke off. Protecting Kiru by blocking Sasuke’s way.

Kiru coughed. Taki bent to his knees. Kiru pushed away his helping hand, and looked up at Sasuke, a thin trail of blood running down the side of her mouth.

“I’ve seen how you watch him. You’re hurt that even though Kishimoto created you, he doesn’t know how you feel for the other characters. Especially not Naruto.”

Sasuke looked away. “I… I love him.”

Kiru smiled, coughing up more blood. Taki asked if she needed help, she refused. “I know. That’s why I did what I did. No matter what people think of the kiss, always remember, he was your first kiss. “

“And I was his.” He added in a whisper.

Silence hung in the air. Then Sasuke turned and began walking away. Taki got up to get after him, but Kiru stopped him by pulling on his arm. Taki gave Sasuke a sympathetic look and turned all his attention to Kiru.

Walking in opposite directions, Kiru glanced back over her shoulder. The wind blew, carrying the words, “Thank you”, into her ear. She smiled, letting sleep engulf her conscious.

Remember back then when I told you I created some 'friends' inside my head who talked to me? Well, that's just who Taki was. But Kiru was me, since it also is my nickname. >.>

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