Welcome to Aidan's BRAIN EMPTYING TIME! *catchy theme tune plays* here's your host: Adonis!
"Hi and welcome to the show! I am a digital stud, throw me your underwear!"
*flurry of heart boxers attack the host*
"Okay! On to today's topic! Today on ABET we will be observing the art of flying long distances, and the ins and outs of the ever elusive 'love' subject."
Flying is fun. It is unnatural and scary to some, but there is always that urge the majority get to jump in the cabin and see if they hurtle backwards, or to look out of the window and see if you can spot Greenland. This episode of ABET is not about the flying itself, though. As much as I could go on about the exorbitant prices of in-air Duty-free and the ear-blasting pressure pains of descent, I will not; no, today the topic is air miles.
Virgin Atlantic have their very own flyers club for air miles on Virgin flights, which means they can offer more than normal air miles worth on their own flights, but with the drawback that you can only earn Virgin miles by flying Virgin. But is it not a little awkward that by flying to and from O'Hare I have earned enough miles to fly - can you guess yet? - TO AND FROM O'HARE! W.T.F.?
That's right. If you fly with Virgin, it's essentially B.O.G.O.F. (Buy one get one free). So now I just need to make sure that the information I am being given on my Virgin Flyers Club miles account is correct, book a flight for this summer and go back to see the girl I love... naturally I will want to save up some spending money, of course. All in all, this is amazing and some of the best news I have heard in some time.
Speaking of my love: did I mention I just went to see her? I've been back in England two days and already I ache to be back in America with her. I need her in ways I've never needed another person before, and it's both exhilarating and terrifying to know that if I lose her I will lose my raison d'etre; she is my purpose.
Love is scary. It turns a sensible person (take me for example) into an emotional fool. I have always worked on logic for the most part, and it has kept me sane for a long time, but with her my heart gains an ally and wins out over my head over and over. My head wins small battles when it is needed, but the war goes to the heart.
So, this trip to see her started magically. Without her parents knowing, I held her hand in their car on the way back to their house (where I was to stay) and when we got there, she helped me 'unpack'. (Translation: we spent the evening in the basement room reserved for me, occasionally pulling something out of one of my cases and mostly kissing and pouncing on each other.)
The next day was also amazing. We kissed more, we uttered 'I love you' to one another over and again when our mouths were not on each other's, or each other's skin, and I lay with her and learned that she was somewhat rough (I have bite marks, people;' real, yellow-bruised bite marks.)
The next day was tough. I was the bad guy. I peeked at her journal and found something which, because of the words used, made me think (however unreasonably) that she loved another man. It nearly broke me. I cried and I confronted her and she explained the choice of words, the situation and then consoled and convinced me I was the only one. My head understood immediately but my heart was in pieces and while gluing it together worked, glue is not as tough as heart muscle and it made me fragile. I spent the next while trying to get my heart in order and to not see the looks that the guy in question gave her that made me want to put sharp objects in his eyes.
It was uncomfortable to hate someone so fully without being able to put a reason to the hate. My heart won over and over, and the only thing that saved me is the fact that it is my head - not my heart - which is in control of my limbs. My heart has my eyes, my lips, my jaw and my tear ducts and that is all. I continued my dislike of the man up until pretty much the day before the last day, then I just ignored him in an effort to clear my head.
Now that I am home, I have had two days to clear my head and I no longer hate him. I am no longer in a state where I will give my dislike of someone else the space in my heart that could be better accommodating the girl I love. Thank you to Tod, who gave me those wise words last night. I love my friends; they are each dear and wise in their own ways. Tod is among the wisest, and he told me that; that since I can tell him that I trust the girl I love, then I am entertaining that hatred in a part of my heart that could belong to her. I knew the moment he told me that he was right, and I had to force myself to smile so I wouldn't cry in gratitude. I gave him an 'I love you, man.' and threw the hatred away. I have no room in my heart for that.
Aidan needs to go furnish the new room in his heart so he can kidnap her and take her to bed in it, so "it's time to wrap up this imaginary, prizeless gameshow with the usual! See you all next time!"
*bad theme music plays again, ingraining into your mind and bugging you just when you thought you had forgotten the sound of it*
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Aidan's Brain Emptying Time
A fictional gameshow and outlet for my random sh*t.
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