As i walked down the cold almost empty street,i noticed the clouds were gathering. I wanted to hurry and get home so i wouldn't catch cold. I increased my walking speed and walked up the street. Let me introduce myself, my name's Issa, Issa Uzumaki. Well not really, it's Issa Namikaze. I'm 16 and i live by myself. I also live in a city called Hisodo district. Oh,did i mention i can make drawings come to life? Yes, i can. All i have to do is draw on a piece of paper and say a special word and it peels off the paper in color. I don't have to draw it all the time. I can also look at a picture and say that word. I'll bet your dying to know what this word is. Its the word 'life'. All i have to do is draw or look at a picture and say 'life' and it heeds my call. I'm working on making inanimate objects move and come to my rule. It wasn't long before i met a boy at my school. He recently transferred a month ago. his name......remains a mystery for you at the moment. I get shy and stutter when im around him. ok, i admit it,hes cute and hes funny. A lot of girls like him but hes not the best boy in school. Almost every morning i walk with him. Some girls give me dirty looks because im walking with him and their jealous. What? Its not my fault i make friends......right?
As i walk down the street i see him. I took a different road and went home. I closed the door and smiled. I saw him when i wasn't in school! Yes, sometimes i may sound like an annoying schoolgirl but its him! Overall hes got a great personality. I walked through the hallway and got to my room. I plopped my school bag onto my room chair. I opened it and took a blank note-pad out. I grabbed a pencil and started drawing. I drew a picture of my favorite anime character, Naruto. "life" I said and he peeled right off the paper. I smiled and waved a little,i made his picture a little small so he was no taller and my knee. He smiled,"Hi Issa,how was school today?" He asked curiously. I thought about it for a second,i didn't want him to feel bad so I did the best thing i was good at, Lying. " Well,i had fun in P.E. today." Total lie, i hate p.e.! "And, sat with some of my friends at lunch." Lie,again! fact: I have no friends! He sat next to me," Thats good to hear." He said and he twittled his feet around like a little kid. I looked over. "So how was training?" I asked out of nowhere. He looked all the way up at my towering face and spoke. " It was good,i hit my head ten more times than yesterday,though." I chuckled. " Hey,that's a record!" I joked. Naruto was my only best and true friend. I could talk to him whenever and he'd listen and understand. Sometimes he just keeps me company.
Oh,and hes good at helping me cook. I have some special paper that's as tall as me so when i need him for other things like help around the house,i can make him tall enough.He walked out of my room to do something i guess. He was so cute when he was short and small. I hopped off my chair and put the note-pad down. I walked to my kitchen and look in my fridge. Nothin' much. "aye yaiyai." I sighed and i closed the fridge door. "Naruto! im going to go out for about half an hour,ok?!" I could hear him somewhere in my house shouting back,"Ok! come back safe!" I smiled and with that, I grabbed my coat and my wallet and out the door i went. I walked down the street to a cafe i liked called, Katonami cafe. In my wallet i always carried a decent sized note-book and a small,always sharpened pencil. y'know, just in case i need it. I opened the door and some people came out. I smiled and walked in. I always ordered one thing: Cafe Au chocolate. They were so good. It's a type of coffee that has some powder in there and it sweetens it up. I waited my turn in line and when i was next i ordered. "A cafe Au chocolate and.....a cupcake." Oh yeah and i forgot to mention,there cupcakes, out of this world! "Okay, it'll be about 3 minutes ok? thank you." The girl said. I smiled and payed for my order and sat at a small table in the corner. If there was anything else i loved in the world, it was eating all by myself out in public and acting grown up. I was caled up and i took my things,the cupcake was in the cutest tiny little box. I opened it and a good kitchen fragrance spilled all around me. Always, their cupcakes were freshly baked and ready to go. I took a bite and sipped my coffee. I looked at the door and someone came in,he looked familiar, oh my god, it was him! I prayed he came over and wished he didn't at the same time. I blushed and sat straight. I could tell he was having trouble looking for a spot, he saw me and walked right over. oh my god,oh my god,oh my god,oh my god was all i could think. He had a cup of coffee and a smile on his face. "I forgot,did we have any homework for reading?" He asked. I hesitated and replied,"uhm....yeah i think so."I scratched my head and continued,"We had to read about 10 pages more in our current book." I finally remembered. He sipped his coffee and nodded. "ok,thank you,i would've been in real trouble if you weren't here." He flashed the best smile i had ever seen. I only sat there. "oh,uh,n-no problem...if you ever need anything...don't hesitate.....o-ok?" He smiled. "I just might need your help sometime soon." He got up and took his coffee with him. "Sorry,my dad is pushy when it comes to me being home on time." I nodded. " I understand,bye." He waved" Maybe we can hang out sometime again!" He closed the door and i was petrified. I was happy, joyful and just about any good emotion nameable. I myself should've been going. I closed my cupcake box,and picked up my coffee and left. I smiled joyfully as i walked home,it started to rain but i didnt care, it kinda made me happier. I loved rain. I put my coat on and hood to protect myself from getting wet. When i got home, it was raining hard and even my clothes were soaked. I put my things down on my table and i took my wallet out of my pocket and set it down too. I called for Naruto but no answer. He must've got bored and put himself back on paper. I smiled and went to my room. I took a shower and by the time i got out and settled down for the day, it was already 8:00! A loud crack of thunder boomed over my neighborhood and i wasn't scared at all. I was just about the happiest girl in the world. I settled down on the couch and i smiled. Tomorrow was Saturday so...No schooool! I had so many things to do and yet i didnt have anything to do. I drew a violin and a bow. I took it off the paper and tuned it, it sounded beautiful. I played across the strings and made a pretty melody. I whispered to myself, "Melody of the kidani butterfly and Hitome cat." When I played it, it was like a cat would be jumping,putting an enormous amount of effort into catching this one beautiful butterfly. The cat tried and tried. It would never give up,just as it was about to reach the butterfly,actually catch it,I stopped. In my mind,the figures melted away. I looked around in curiosity, i thought i heard something other than my violin.
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[i:573b56f5ee]when i said id tap that, i meant BlitzWing♥[/size:573b56f5ee][/color:573b56f5ee][/i:573b56f5ee]