So annoying!!! I've spent nearly 8 hours finishing that AMV present i was planning to give to Hikari.... and it won't save into a video?! Gyaaaah! So annoying! who ever made that Movie Maker is a total idiot! (sorry, i'm just really pissed) waaaaaaaiiiih! i wan't able to finish my present in time! gyaaaaaahhhhhhh!
I'll try and make another AMV, (using some OTHER movie maker, first i'd have to pick a software... i think swishmax would do, stupid windows movie maker.... wasted my time and all those perfect videos! ) stressed so annoying!

waiiih, now i don't have a present for Hikari-chan! (damn it! stupid windows movie maker! wasted my time and efforts.... and it was such a neat AMV too... full of Alphonse.... )
I hate you Windows Movie Maker!! Soooooooo HATE YOU!
(waiiiihh..... darn it.... i really wanted to give it to Hikari on time for her birthday.... sob... and i'm late..... +but i'll still finish it! THE HELL WITH YOU WINDOWS MOVIE MAKER!! I HATE YOU SO MUCH!+)


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