Gyaaaaaah!! I hate it when it feels like someone is testing my patience! like my computer, does it have to process info's so slowly?! What's up with this contraption?! It wasn't so slow before?! (well i guess i need to get it checked, but still! ) stressed
Then there's that stinking Windows Movie Maker! Grrrr! I still hate you! stressed
Now the i'm getting impatient with the Profile Theme setting! stressed I can't seem to navigate well and it's totally frustrating to not be able to edit my profile! (HTML isn't my forte....) grrr...... stupid week....
Though i kinda like the weather today.... whee It has been raining the whole day and it has made me real happy! blaugh I love it when it rains! +simply because it meant there would be no Sun!!! (yes, i'm not a sunshine loving person, in fact i hate sunshine! I don't like the heat against my skin and i don't like it when the sun's rays hit my eyes.... that is why when the sky is blue and the sun is shining bright i'm always frowning! I hate sunshine! *as i've said before, "I'm Nocturnal!!" *)+ rofl
kyaaaah.... exams went okay today.... but i'm dreading tomorrows exams!! We'll be taking all the terror subjects examinations tomorrow! Waiiih! God Please help me get through this!!!!

Sigh... I guess i should get some studying done.... stare and get some grub too... I'm starved! (just remembered i've forgotten to eat dinner again....) stare
Yosh! back to that dreaded mode i call STUDYING! xp