I have achieved the status of gray. I am neither here nor there-never decided on one particular thing. Don't mistake me for a fence sitter-oppurtunists watching to see who shall emerge victorious-not I. I have an idea; an inkling, and I stick to it. I simply am. There are times when I can feel my connection to the Great Tapestry-my thread in the Time-Space Continuum. I feel blank at these tiems. I am invisible-like I've stepped out of the world and I'm watching things from a disjointed stage. People walk by, things move, there is no sound; no color-we, almost. Fluxuations, like a flickering television screen; and then, as soon as it began, it's over, and I am once again a part of the world. . I know I am not the only one who has seen or felt this.
What is it I fall into?