We’ve captured two of the four feral kittens that were living under our porch, Precious and Angel, as my mom named them. You would think having two super cute kittens in the house would be fun and exciting, but it’s not. I’m still grieving from Balthazar, and right now I feel like I never want to see another kitten again. We have to keep them in a dog crate, and seeing them go from having the whole yard to play in to being confined to a cage crushes your heart. They seem so depressed, but I hope they’ll be better when they’re tamed because they won’t be so scared. I hope that we can find them homes soon, and that we’re doing the right thing because they’ll be better off in a home than outside. But are we really doing the right thing? Is it our place to take them from there home, habitat, mother and siblings? Are we making that all too common human error by thinking we know what’s right and forcing our will and decisions upon other living creatures? Their mother has been hanging around on the deck more often then normal, no doubt looking for her babies, or waiting for them to return. It’s heart wrenching to see. Angel mews a lot, probably crying out for his mother. Even though the two other kittens are still parasite-ridden, they seem a lot happier than Precious and Angel. I just keep hoping it’ll be better once they’re tamed. I wish we would get some sort of sign to let us know if we’re doing the right thing. Hopefully I’ll have good, encouraging developments to post here next. This is turning out to be the shittiest summer ever.